Our hips are flexible miracles. They provide us strength and stability while we walk. They can withstand the impact when we jump. One of the biggest and sturdiest joints in the human body is the hip joint. But, the hip can be damaged, and when that happens, we might experience discomfort. Bursitis, or bursa-related bursitis, is one of the main causes of hip pain. These fluid-filled sacs can be found all over the body and act as a buffer between soft tissues like skin, muscles, and tendons and bones. The elbow, shoulder, and knee are just a few of the key joints on the body where bursa sacs can be found. The tiny pouches, which are lubricating joints and shielding body parts from friction, are filled with a viscous fluid. Similar to other bursae, the trochanteric bursa may swell if the hip is overworked or hurt. About five out of every 1,000 adults suffer with trochanteric bursitis, which often affects people in their middle or later years but can affect anyone.